Sam's First Blog Post

Greetings EME6414 Classmates!

Looking forward to an enthralling six weeks of learning with all of you! To me, the coolest thing about Web 2.0 technologies is that it enables us to fulfill our specific and unique needs with ease. I can share information with all of you, and you all can quickly assess it, filter it, add anecdotes, and offer feedback or alternative perspectives. This is the power of learning via technology! Please know that I welcome any and all feedback and I would appreciate it if you challenge my current ways of thinking - to me, this is how we can really boost learning to an entirely new level. Now, let me get to work composing my first blog post related to the course materials. Onward and upward!


  1. Hi Samuel,
    Following your blog now:). It's interesting... I've taken several online courses in the ISLT Master's program, and have often found the Discussion boards to be cumbersome and clunky. I, too, am excited about exploring the myriad of web 2.0 tools to allow for more seamless sharing of thoughts, ideas, information. It's going to be a good six weeks. As a relative novice, I'm looking forward to trying new tools out!

    1. Looking forward to working with you Sarah! :-)

  2. Hooray for getting your blog up and running! Looking forward to reading it this term.

    1. Thank you Dr. D! I'm excited to be getting out of my comfort zone. You have done a marvelous job building up engagement in this first week. I kind of feel like I just took a time machine into the future


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