Reflection - Web 2.0 Tools

The benefits of constructivism, discovery learning, connectivism, and social learning are absolutely phenomenal. I have quickly noticed that these Web 2.0 tools facilitate learning through all of these cognitive theories. I think that this class has highlighted the importance of collaboration and the benefits of cognitive conflicts (diversity of opinions) that come with social learning. It has been interesting to see how knowledge can be created, synthesized, and shared more effectively and efficiently using these Web 2.0 tools. I also feel like these tools are great for role-playing activities and can be used for online learning games. I believe that learning outside of the traditional ‘formal’ environment can breed more authentic experiences and that the students will have access to a more diverse audience when they use these tools. Over the last four weeks I have noticed that learners tend to take more control of their learning when using these web 2.0 tools and that there are plenty of opportunities for reflection – like the opportunity I am capitalizing on now. One major factor of importance in these environments seems to be social capital - this humanistic phenomenon seems to help engage learners and I have noticed that it empowers them to express themselves.

It is difficult to find negatives in all of this, but after thinking for a bit, I feel like some of the benefits could also be perceived as downsides to some learners. The amount of freedom seems to be a blessing and a curse. I personally believe that it is important for basic rules and regulations to be established when using these tools for instruction – I have felt like my focus on learning waxes and wanes at times because of this incredible amount of freedom and the amount of fun stuff that can act as distractors. I personally think that these Web 2.0 tools can be enhanced by incorporating them into an LMS – this way, the learners are in a secure environment and an instructor/facilitator can have more control of the learning process and can also offer scaffolding more readily. Lack of control over the learning environment seems to be the only downside that I could find. What do you all think? Have you discovered any downsides to learning via web 2.0 tools?


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